Is Xanax the Best Treatment for Anxiety?

Ryan Thebo • January 24, 2023
Is Xanax the Best Treatment for Anxiety?

Is Xanax The Best Medication For Anxiety?

Patients will sometimes ask us if Xanax for anxiety is a good treatment. With over 16 million prescriptions written in 2021 across the U.S., it is no wonder patients would have this question!

After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of how Xanax works and its effectiveness in the treatment of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and episodic anxiety. In addition, we will provide you with helpful information that you can use to understand treatment options for anxiety better. 

How Does Xanax Work for Anxiety?

People often ask us, What is Xanax for? or “Is Xanax for anxiety?” Xanax is within a class of medications known as benzodiazepines (BZDs), sometimes referred to as a, “benzo”. Benzodiazepines are types of depressant drugs. Patients who take Xanax will often experience a feeling of calmness.

Xanax (alprazolam) increases the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, promoting relaxation and calmness in the nervous system. Xanax is frequently used to treat anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Panic Attacks, and Panic Disorder.

How Long Does Xanax Help With Anxiety?

Xanax is generally not a suitable medication to take on an as-needed basis. One of the problems with Xanax is that it is very short-acting and loses its effect shortly after taking it. 

There are significant issues that patients will often encounter when taking Xanax on a long-term basis, such as tolerance in which Xanax loses its desired effect over time. Xanax is also short-acting and tends to produce a noticeable effect for approximately 4 hours. 

How Often Can You Take Xanax?

Knowing when to take Xanax is important. If patients are prescribed benzodiazepines such as xanax, generally, patients who be prescribed the lowest effective dose and use should be limited to no more than 2 to 4 weeks.

The effect of Xanax varies from each person due in part to differences in physiology and drug metabolism. Since Xanax is a fast-acting drug, patients will often notice the effect within the first hour.

Some patients can take Xanax as needed, such as when flying. However, we generally find there are better, more effective options for patients with episodic anxiety or phobias of flying than taking Xanax

Is Xanax Safe?

In clinical practice, we often see many patients taking Xanax long-term with no real long-term benefit when taken regularly due to the tolerance that occurs. Tolerance occurs when the body is repeatedly exposed to the drug, which leads to losing sensitivity to the drug. When drug tolerance to Xanax occurs, it is not uncommon for patients to have worsened anxiety when the drug loses its therapeutic effect. 

Patients can take Xanax or another benzodiazepine as prescribed and experience drug tolerance. In addition, patients who take more Xanax than prescribed are at increased risk of drug tolerance and substance use disorders.

What Are The Side Effects of Xanax?

Many patients who take Xanax (alprazolam) will report some side effects, such as sleepiness, fatigue, or sedation. This side effect or direct effect of the medication on the body is due to common side effects of Xanax may include: fatigue, feeling tired, headaches, dry mouth, blurred vision, sleepiness, headaches, or depression. After a few days, it is common for sedation to improve. More serious reactions may include paradoxical reactions such as aggression, agitation, rage, hyperactivity, mania, or tremors. 

Is Xanax Addictive or Habit-Forming?

For some, Xanax can be addictive and habit-forming. Xanax is considered a schedule IV drug meaning there is some risk of abuse or dependence on this medication. In 2020, the FDA also placed a black box warning on all benzodiazepines, including Xanax, because of the risk for abuse, misuse, addiction, and physical dependence with this medication class. Someone may be physiologically dependent on Xanax when they stop Xanax, and their anxiety is worse than before they started Xanax. 

Are There Better Alternatives to Xanax to Treat My Anxiety?

Yes! There are numerous alternatives to Xanax. As previously mentioned, Xanax is generally not intended to be taken daily due to possible tolerance and rebound anxiety issues. 

Rebound anxiety can occur when Xanax wears off, and anxiety worsens. This effect somewhat mirrors what happens after someone with anxiety consumes a large amount of alcohol, and it wears off. The patient may feel heightened anxiety, withdrawal, or agitation the next day.

Luckily, there are often better alternatives to Xanax, which may include anxiolytic medications such as:

  • Buspar (buspirone) 
  • Antidepressants (e.g. SSRIs) 
  • Lexapro (escitalopram)
  • Zoloft (sertraline)
  • Prozac (fluoxetine)

You may have tried some of these medications or know of someone who has. It is important to emphasize that this is not an exhaustive list of medications and that we individualize treatment to the patient based on numerous factors such as previous responses to drugs, indications of medications, and other combinations of mediation approaches. 

Learn more
about the best medications to treat anxiety. 

How Do I Withdraw From Xanax?

It is essential to consult your medical provider who prescribed you Xanax (or other benzodiazepines) before you stop taking it due to the risk of withdrawal from the benzodiazepine.

Withdraw can manifest as restlessness, worsened anxiety, rebound anxiety, irritability, agitation, panic attacks, sweating, hand tremors, nausea, headache, muscle pain, concentration difficulty, and increased blood pressure. 

Rebound anxiety commonly occurs 1-4 days after stopping depending on how long with drug stays in your body. Xanax may need to be discontinued slowly over time, with dosage reductions individualized to the patient based on drug metabolism, dosage frequency and amount, duration of time on Xanax, and other factors. We need to emphasize that there often are better alternatives to Xanax for managing anxiety long term. 

Have You Considered Other Options Than Xanax?

Are you interested in speaking to an experienced psychiatrist or psychiatric NP for more effective options? 

This is a common question we often receive from new patients, and we have worked with thousands of patients to help them successfully manage and treat their anxiety to live more fulfilling lives.

 If you are experiencing anxiety, you do not have to suffer! Patients are often relieved when they find the most effective treatments for anxiety that do not require the potential for dependence on Xanax. 

If you would like help with your anxiety or maybe a second opinion, feel free to reach out to us by self-scheduling an appointment. To self-schedule an appointment, simply visit and select “schedule now.” 

You can also reach us at 888-909-8676. We typically have availability for online psychiatry appointments within 4-6 days for medication management. 

During your online psychiatry visit, we will listen carefully to your concerns, provide comprehensive evaluation, and we can prescribe medications when indicated to be sent to your local pharmacy. 

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